AntiBlock Ads Manager

beat AdBlock with Wordpres

Your guide to installation, setup and placing banners.

You have two choices to upload your plugin:

Now, activate plugin.


Go to configuration of plugin

  1. Global active setting for all campaigns. If you want eg. stopped all campaigns.
  2. You can choose to whom will be displayed banners from plugin.
    - for all users – banners will be displayed for all visitors,
    - only for AdBlock users – banners will be displayed only for visitors who block ads.
  3. You can choose: save all views data to database or not.
  4. As above, save all data (date / ref url / ip etc.) about every click or not.
  5. You can set attributes for links in banners. Default is rel="nofollow" and target="_blank"



To create new campaign: go to plugin and click "new campaign"

  1. Your campaign name (visible only in dashboard).
  2. Target url - There will be redirected users after clicking on the banner of campaign.
  3. If your campaign don't use internal redirection, click details (like ip, ref-url) don't be save. 
  4. You can on/off this campaign for displaying (and quick set this value).

You can choose in which banners this campaign will by displayed.

Next upload/select from media image banner or paste url to image.

If you choose first way:

  1. Upload new image or select from media libary
  2. Mark uploaded / selected image
  3. Confirm.


Now, you can click "save".

Campaign is ready!

On campaign list you can quick set status, edit or delete campaign.

To create new banner type: go to "banners types" in plugin and click "add new"

  1. Your banner name (visible only in dashboard)
  2. Type of banner (visualization of types is lower)
  3. For not "layer" types you you must enter the nominal values (uploaded images do not need to be exactly such dimensions) Banners are responsive.

HTML of all types looks roughly:

<div style="[banner-style][your-style-if-set]">
   <a href="[ad-url]">
       <img src="[ad-banner]" style="[banner-style][your-style-if-set]">

4. You can add your additional styles, to element <div> and <img>
5. Click "save"

New banner is added.

Below visualization types of banners.
All banners can be of any size.

Types "Top of each post" is not displayed on list of posts.Only on full post page. If is set and exist active campaigns with this banner, they will be alweys displayed.

Type "Your html" allows you to display your arbitrary code as the banner. Here you can displayed whatever you want


Go to "Wigedts" from "Appearance" menu.

  1. Drag and drop "AntiBlock Ads Manager" widget to widget area.

  2. Select banner type (and campaigns if you want)

  3. Click "Save"

Banner will be displayed (if it has active campaigns).

Go to post or page.

Click to AntiBlock icon in editor.

  1. Select banner type (and campaigns if you want)

  2. Confirm

The code was inserted. Banner will be displayed in the post (if banner have active campaigns).

The third method of adding banners is the php function.

Go to "Banners Types" in plugin.

Click "Embded" in banner type that you want to display.

Copy the php code.

Go to theme editor and paste code in the place in which you want to display a banner.

The second tab on configuration page is a "Advanced settings"

Plugin prefixes:

Unique random prefixes has used for displaying anti AdBlock banners / urls etc. After activation plugin generated random prefixes for anti-block protedted.

Users or AdBlock/uBlock can added acting filters! Therefore, to always be before them it is recommended to generate new prefixes from time to time. 


Other values to configure:


If database with statistics is too big, you can remove views and clicks data form of the period.